Poor Abby has the worst luck!
Set up for excerpt. Abby is in the bathroom at the Expo Center and bought a box of tampons.
A girl in white
pants jumping rope was printed on the front of the package. Only someone who had never
experienced slasher week at panty camp could have thought that one up. She tore
off the cellophane and opened the package.
A green fog
steamed out of the box and a large green man in billowing pants and gold shoes
formed, blocking the exit. She scrambled backward, away from him.
Several noises
that didn’t resemble human speech squeaked from her mouth. She ran to the two
stalls but both doors were locked. Plastering her back
against the furthest wall, she couldn’t breathe. No matter how hard she tried
to suck in a breath it wouldn’t hit her lungs.
One thing she was sure of, this
guy wasn’t looking for a urinal.
Tempting The Light Blurb:
luck magnet Abby Fitzpatrick gets fired, catches her boyfriend cheating with a
mime, and is cursed by an evil genie who pops out of a tampon box. She’s bound
and determined to remove the spell, and as fate would have it, the hottest guy
she’s ever met is out to kill her.
Stone, a Cryptid hunter for Legends and Myths Police Squad (L.A.M.P.S.), poses as sheriff for Abby’s
hometown of Haber Cove, New Jersey. He’s out to find and capture a man-eating
gnome and bag the legendary Jersey Devil monster. Little does he realize, the
woman who catches his heart is the same creature that he was sent to destroy.
the Light is the first novel in the L.A.M.P.S. series that features
hunky secret agents who find true love while hunting and slaying dangerous Cryptids.
Available at Amazon in Spring 2016
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